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Viking Invasion/Texas Jomsborg Elag will be returning to the San Antonio Highland Games for 2025! There will be an authentic encampment with fight demonstrations, crafts and artifacts, and information on the Viking history of the northern British isles.

Viking Invasion is a non-profit Living History and Historical Fencing organization located in Central Texas. The Texas Jomsborg and Ùtland Storm comprise the core of this group alongside other re-enactors, historians, and craftsmen that explore the ancient arts of the Viking Age. Members not only explore the past, but also seek to apply its relevant virtues of Courage, Honor, Strength, Loyalty, and Brotherhood to the Modern day.
Viking Invasion works to re-create early Norse culture and to celebrate the Scots-Norse heritage of the Western Isles and Scottish Highlands. Our authentic Viking encampment demonstates the everyday lives of the Norse. Learn how Vikings forged weapons, how they traveled and navigated in their fabled long ships, how they traded with cutures far from their homelands, how they farmed and raised livestock. Don't miss the live steel combats and the sword and shield competitions!
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