Inishfree offers classes for ages 4 through adult and is a certified Irish Dance School Inishfree School has performed with many notable entertainers like, The Chieftains and Frank Patterson concerts. They appear regularly at San Antonio Highland Games, Institute of Texan Cultures Folklife festival, North Texas Irish Festival, SA Irish Heritage Day, South Texas Alamo Irish Festival, and all across Texas. Competition dancers compete at the TX and US levels and rank well at the World competition in Ireland.
Neill Reagan, the Inishfree Texas director, is a certified teacher of Irish Dancing, as well as an adjudicator, making students eligible to compete at Irish Dance competitions. Inishfree's classes are designed to teach the traditional and Irish step dancing while maintaining the rich cultural heritage. Students will learn to identify different Irish dancing steps in solo and figure/ceili dances as well as the correct Irish music to accompany each dance. Inishfree students can train for competition or simply dance for recreation.