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Highland Coos

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Paisley's Pasture from Pipe Creek Texas, returns to The San Antonio Highland Games on April 6-7, 2024.

Have you ever heard of a Highland Coo?? Ever seen one in person? Now's your chance!

What are Highland cattle, you say?? I'm glad you asked!!

Highland cattle are the oldest registered breed of cattle. The Scottish Highland Cattle Society was formed in 1884 and most of the cattle registered were black. Today Highland cattle may be red, black, yellow, white, brindle, silver or dun in color. Highland cattle are noted for their hardiness and vigor. They strive where other breeds struggle. Highlands have a long, close history of living with humans. Early Scots would keep the coos downstairs to provide warmth for the family on the second floor. Highlands tend to be docile and calm, do not stress easily, and are easy to work with despite their long horns.

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