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Dance Entry Form and Rules

2025 Registration Now Open!

Click the link below to register. (Please fill out an application for each participant)

Competition Schedule

Beginner & Novice Dancers

Check In @ 8:30 am; Competition begins @ 9:00 am

Primary, Intermediate & Premier dancers

Check In @ 12:00 pm;

Competition immedi­ately following lunch break

A detailed dance schedule and Games information letter will be emailed

to all competitors and teachers one week before Games.


•SAHGA Competition is governed by the rules and regulations of the Royal Scottish Official Board of Highland Dancing (RSOBHD) and Scotdance USA (SDUSA).

•The decision of the Adjudicator is final. Protests must be made in writing and submitted to the Competition Organizer within 7 days of the event accompanied by a $25 fee that will be refunded if the petition is warranted.

•The competitor’s age will be as of Saturday, April 5, 2025. Age groups will be determined after the closing date of entries. The Competition Committee reserves the right to change any event or time schedule as needed.

•Last to enter, first to compete and “fill in” for Reels.

•Three-Month Rule – Judges may not adjudicate any competitor that they have instructed for a period of three months. If a competitor has entered a competition with a judge they have attended a class or workshop with within the last three months, the dancer must step down from the competition.

• All dancers must have a valid 2025 registration card. No entry will be accepted without a current registration number.

•All dancers must present their registration card the day of the competition in order to compete.

•In accordance with ScotDance USA policies, dancers must not change costumes in public view. Charging areas will be provided.

•All dance competitors, teachers, and parents are expected to comply with the ScotDance USA Code of Ethics.

•The above rules and procedures will be updated as needed to abide by SDUSA and State rules and regulations.


Cash Awards will be awarded in all Premier age groups up to 3rd place based on ratio of dancers to prizes.

(under 12) $30/$20/$10 (under 16) $40/$30/$20 (over 16) $50/$40/$30

  • If fewer than 4 dancers in a group, cash awards will only be given for first place and medals for other placings.
  • Only medals and ribbons will be awarded in Primary and Pre-Premier events. If there are three dancers or less in any event, awards will be given at judges' discretion.
  • All dances will count towards aggregate trophy awards in Beginner, Novice, Intermediate, and Premier Categories. No trophies are awarded in the Primary class.
  • Perpetual trophies for special events are the property of the San Antonio Highland Games Association and must be returned prior to the following year’s event. Winners will be required to sign a trophy release form, and are responsible for engraving.


George Angus Mackenzie Memorial ~ Most Promising Beginner Dancer Award
Awarded at the discretion of the Adjudicator to the Beginner dancer who displays the skills & attitude needed to progress in Highland Dancing.

Wilma Heberling Memorial ~ Most Promising Novice Dancer Award
Awarded at the discretion of the Adjudicator to the Novice dancer who displays the skills & attitude needed to progress in Highland Dancing.

Shavonne Klein Memorial ~ Most Promising Intermediate Dancer Award
Awarded at the discretion of the Adjudicator to the Novice dancer who displays the skills & attitude needed to progress in Highland Dancing.

Donald Miller Memorial ~ Premier Sword Challenge ~ Dancer of the Day
The aggregate trophy winner in each Premier age group will qualify to dance off for this award. The Premier Sword Challenge (2&1) will be danced immediately following the presentation of awards. 2025 Championship steps are NOT required for this special event.

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